Contact us!

Thanks for visiting our blog!

If you are looking for Birth or Postpartum doula services, training and certification or other services, please call 510 595 5534 .

Or feel free to contact our director Samsarah Morgan – 510 393 7380

We look forward to serving you!283813_10152803553595720_537525526_n

The Perfect Gift – Postpartum Care!

A perfect gift!

Samsarah Morgan , Birth Worker

love peace unity cloud

$30.00 buys your loved ones a hour of postpartum care!
Talk to me about Gift Certificates for your friend with new babies!
Also makes the perfect shower gift – imagine if everyone Anthe office chipped in 30.00 towards help for the family rather than spending 2x as much for plastic items that do little to foster confidence of family bonding!

Call me!
They will be so grateful!
Doula Samsarah Morgan, Doula, BirthWorker & Hypnotherapist in Oakland
Sammsarah Morgan 510-827-9160 or 510-393-7380

10 reasons to hire a postpartum doula!

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What’s a doula?

Whats a doula?

Samsarah Morgan , Birth Worker

What’s a doula?

By L. Samsarah Morgan, DD CHT, CLC

Do you love babies? I’m mean are you the kind of person who, no mater where you are you are moved and amazed by babies? Do you stop to ponder and wonder the amazing process of reproduction – the process of how we all got here to begin our work on planet earth? Would you be willing to elevate your love of babies into a passion for their well being and that of their mothers? Then perhaps being a doula is the right livelihood for you…

A doula is known by many names, birth attendant, companera, turtle woman, birth watcher. A doula has traditionally, been the woman in service to a birthing woman. Her domain is the educational, emotional, physical comfort and spiritual well-being of pregnant woman as well as mitigating the effect of technological birth processes on both mother…

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Fearful of the birth process?

Release your fears!!!

Samsarah Morgan , Birth Worker

Are you an expectant momma?
Are your fearful of the birth process?
Hypnosis can help you release present day fear or past birth trauma, and allow you a joyous and free childbirth experience!
Lets discuss it! And please , give not one more second to fear…
Samsarah Morgan, hypnotherapist, doula, counselor

sad angel

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Childbirth Eduation and C Section Avoidance Classes in Richmond!

special invitation

Join us for Childbirth Education in Richmond!
Hello and thank you for shopping at the Pregnancy Birth and Baby Boutique!

We will be honored to help you prepare for the most exciting and sometimes most stressful time in a family’s life – the birth of a baby! The following classes are being offered to support you mind, body and soul.
Please sign our mailing list.
We are adding new classes every month. If there is a class you would like to have us offer, please let me know
There is a fee for classes and if your family needs please pay what you can – please do not let finances keep you from getting information that will have you have a more satisfying birth and breastfeeding experience!

Feel free to call me with any questions 510 -393 7380. Samsarah Morgan, Instructor and Class Coordinator. NOTE: No class on Thanksgiving!


Wednesdays 1-3pm and Saturdays 5-7 pm

Childbirth Preparation and C-section Avoidance Series
These classes will cover all a family needs to know to make wise choices and have a healthy birth experience. Learn the role of a doula and birth plan in taking charge of your experience with medical personnel. This class is suitable for families birthing at home, hospital and birth center.
Fees: 20.00 / per unit or 80.00 paid in full for the series.

Class 1
Pregnancy and Labor

What’s needs to possibly avoid high risk situations in labor?
Topics: Fetal Development. Diet and exercise. prenatal testing. How does labor start? How can I mange labor with medications?

Class 2
Birth at home – Birth in a hospital.
What is it like to birth at home? Is this an option for your family?
What is the hospital experience? What are common medical procedures offered to women in labor?

Class 3
Cesarean section.
What is a cesarean section? When might it be necessary? How can an unneeded surgery be avoided? Discussing VBAC (vaginal birth after C-section)

Class 4
My New Born Baby. My New Life as a Mother
Topics: What are the needs of you newborn? What procedures will the hospital staff offer to you after the birth of your child? Breastfeeding: a quick how to Guide.
Your first week with your new baby.

Class 5 Labor Preparation Exercises
Topics: we will discuss positions that encourage a smooth labor – breathing relaxation, hypnosis, and other tools that help labor progress powerfully and naturally. Even if you plan to use medications – these tools will prove to be a huge help in early labor!

The following classes are coming soon – please sign our mailing list to be informed of our start date or email me on

Breastfeeding: Tips and Tools

Meet the Midwife night

Do I need a doula? Doula information night!

Dancing for Birth

Nutrition for Pregnancy and Birth

Hypnosis for Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting

To register for classes. Click the link –
Payments can be made via cash, check payable to Samsarah Morgan, and paypal to

Help spread the word!

Question Induction

Samsarah Morgan , Birth Worker

Mommas – please question induction.
Those last few weeks of pregnancy are not only building the body and healthy weight of your infant; they finalize and prepare your child’s lungs. You want a baby that can take that first beautiful breath and KEEP breathing free and clear for 100 years.
Think of that, and question to the point of getting a separate opinion, an induction. Little humans need to get to 40 weeks gestation – some need about 10 days more (especially 1st babies).
Talk to a doctor who supports natural and spontaneous labor!
Talk to a supportive nurse or home birth midwife.
The last few weeks of pregnancy are often not a walk in the park, I know. But a potential lifetime of asthma for your child is a greater burden…

Hang in there! You are your baby’s first and best advocate!
If I can help – let me…

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history of black midwives

Thoughts on the African Midwife in History!

guerrilla mama medicine

so this little article comes from the site of international center for the tradition of childbirththe black midwives site.  i wish that there was an unbroken tradition of rituals as is described in the first paragraph, but our traditions our history are broken.  i see the acts of colonization genocide enslavement as the breaking of our history of our tradition, the maafa–the middle passage, as the break between the past and the future and we have to find a way to heal this break.  part of that healing is to find powerful rituals today that can create community.  and by creating community sustaining community, a community of equals a community that engenders mutual liberation of its members, we heal from the break.  because traumas personal cultural social historical traumas move into a healing place when we feel and believe and act as if we are powerful and relevant to…

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